White carbon black — popularization of silicone knowledge

White carbon black — popularization of silicone knowledge

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Silk black is the general name for white powdery X-ray amorphous silicic acid and silicate products , mainly refers to precipitated silica, fumed silica and ultrafine silica gel, also including powdered synthetic aluminum silicate and calcium silicate, etc. White carbon black is a porous material, and its composition can be expressed as SiO2·nH2O, where nH2O exists in the form of surface hydroxyl groups. Soluble in caustic alkali and hydrofluoric acid, but insoluble in water, solvents and acids (except hydrofluoric acid). High temperature resistance, non-flammable, tasteless, odorless, and has good electrical insulation.


Wonderful information at a glance

Basic information

  • Chinese name

    White Carbon Black

  • Foreign name

    White carbon black

  • melting point

    1610 °C

  • boiling point

    greater than 100 °C

1Molecular Structure
2Basic information
3Competitive landscape
4Physical property data
5Dangerous attributes
6Main purpose
7System number
8Application information

CollapseDrug carrier

With the current substantial increase in urban domestic waste and the increasingly serious environmental pollution, increasing It is extremely urgent to make great efforts to eliminate the “four pests” and prevent the spread of diseases. Painting lime on tree trunks and spraying pesticides on trash cans no longer have much effect. Nowadays, big cities have adopted spraying central nervous system anesthetic pesticides to eliminate mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and other insect pests. However, these pesticides are mostly from Imported from abroad, the price is higher and the validity period after spraying is shorter (only one month). Gas-phase silica is used as a carrier to adsorb this type of pesticide, which has a very good slow-release effect. According to measurements, its validity period is more than one year after spraying.


For cosmetics, it is required to have strong UV shielding ability, preferably both It protects against the harm of ultraviolet medium waves (UVB) to the human body and can also protect against long ultraviolet waves (UVA). In essence, UV shielding includes two aspects. One is the absorption of UV rays as mentioned above, and the other is the reflection of UV rays. Currently, there are no reports on anti-UV agents developed from the perspective of UV reflection performance in the world. In the past, organic compounds were often used as ultraviolet absorbers in sunscreen products. However, there are problems such as increasing the amount of addition in order to protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays, which will increase the occurrence of skin cancer and chemical allergies. Fumed silica is Inorganic ingredients are easily compatible with other components of cosmetics. They are non-toxic and odorless. They do not have the above problems and are white in color. They can be easily colored. What is especially valuable is that vapor phase silica has strong UV reflection ability and good stability. It will not decompose or discolor after being exposed to ultraviolet rays, nor will it react chemically with other components in the formula. These outstanding characteristics of fumed silica lay a good foundation for the upgrading of sunscreen cosmetics.

Antibacterial material

Use the huge specific surface area, surface mesoporous structure and ultra-high density of fumed silica With strong adsorption capacity and unique physical and chemical properties, functional ions such as silver ions are evenly designed into the mesopores on the surface of gas phase silica, and the implementation is stable, successfully developing nano-antibacteria that are efficient, durable, high temperature resistant, and broad-spectrum antibacterial. powder (the particle size is only about 70 nanometers), it not only fills the gap in the country, but its main technical indicators have reached or exceeded similar Japanese products. After testing, when the concentration of nano antibacterial powder in water is only 0.315%, the antibacterial ability against Gram-positive representative bacterial species and Gram-negative representative bacterial species can be clearly revealed, and the inhibition zone appears 2- 3mm, and as the concentration of nano antibacterial powder in water increases, the inhibition zone increases significantly. According to measurements, when the Ag+ content in the water is 0.01 mg/1, it can completely kill E. coli in the water and prevent new bacterial colonies from multiplying for up to 90 days. Apply nano-antibacterial powder to enamel glaze to produce a drum washing machine with anti-mildew and anti-bacterial functions, with an anti-bacterial rate of over 99%. It should be pointed out that the use conditions of nano antibacterial powder in enamel glaze are relatively harsh. It must be in a strong alkaline liquid and high temperature (around 900°C) to maintain strong antibacterial properties after porcelain firing. This is the case with other antibacterial powders. Out of reach. Adding nano-antibacterial powder to interior wall coatings produces interior wall coatings with long-lasting antibacterial and mildew-proof functions. Nano antibacterial powder is used in women’s underwear detergents, wool and cashmere detergents, dish soap, and hand sanitizers. After testing by the health and epidemic prevention department, its antibacterial properties are very significant. It is foreseeable that as people’s health awareness increases, nano-antibacterial powder will gradually be accepted by the general public in related application companies and emerge in industries such as bills, medical and health care, chemical building materials, home appliances, functional fibers, and plastic products.


1. Application in the optical field Nanoparticles are mainly used in the production of infrared reflective materials. Used as thin films and multi-layer films. Nanoparticle film materials have good application prospects in the light bulb industry. High-pressure sodium lamps and various iodine arc lamps used for photography and photography require strong lighting, but after the filament is heated, 69% of the energy is converted into infrared rays. This shows that a considerable amount of electrical energy is converted into heat energy and is consumed, and only a small amount is consumed. Part of it is converted into light energy for lighting. At the same time, the heat generated by the lamp will also affect the life of the lamp. How to improve the luminous efficiency and increase the illumination has always been a key issue to be solved. The birth of nanoparticles provides a new way to solve this problem. Since the 1980s, scientific research and technical personnel have used nano-Si0X and nano-TiO2 particles to make a multi-layer interference film with a total thickness of microns, lining the inner wall of the light bulb cover. The result is not only good light transmittance, but also strong infrared reflection ability. . According to expert calculations, this type of lamp can save 15% of electrical energy compared with traditional halogen lamps under the same light brightness.

�, lining the inner wall of the bulb cover, the result is not only good light transmittance, but also strong infrared reflection ability. According to expert calculations, this type of lamp can save 15% of electrical energy compared with traditional halogen lamps under the same light brightness.

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