Polyurethane in automotive applications and formulation requirements

Abstract: Lightweight as the main trend of future development in the field of automobile, it is necessary to make effective use of polymer materials, …

Polyurethane adhesives – the future star of adhesives

Polyurethane adhesives contain urethane groups (-NHCOO-) or isocyanate groups (-NCO) in the molecular chain, and are divided into two categories: poly…

Application of polyurethane rigid foam (PU rigid foam)

The development trend of PU hard foam After decades of development, polyurethane materials have covered all aspects of production and life, but there …

Polyurethane composite panels the future trend of building materials

Polyurethane composite panels Polyurethane composite panel is also called PU sandwich panel. The polyurethane composite panel with polyurethane as cor…

Analysis of polyurethane delay catalyst

Polyurethane delay catalysts are an extremely special class of polyurethane catalysts that provide the catalytic activity required for polyurethane ma…

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